Looking at the taxidermied animals. (Frankly, we should have just come here instead of the zoo. We saw about 30 times more animals here, and to be honest, they moved around about as much as the ones at the zoo did.)
Trying out a tent:
We went to The Legend's shopping area and spent probably 30 minutes running circles around this big fountain.
And we ate lunch at the T-Rex Cafe, a dinosaur themed restaurant that charged exhorbitant prices for cutesy named things like Layer of the Earth Lasagna and Chicken Ceasarsaurus Salad.
Cooper had these cute little mini hot dogs. Which I'm sure were really called Paleozoic Bones on Buns or something.
Saying hi to one of the big dinosaurs.
Not enough to justify spending that kind of money for lunch on any regular basis. But it was fun as a special end-of-vacation treat!