Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mad Photography Skilz

We had some wintry weather here this past week, so Alan and I (mostly Alan) put on our 4-Her hats and took some pictures worthy of the State Fair.


Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Look at that beautiful ice!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos. Thanks so much for sharing.~ Lynn

Anonymous said...

I agree completely! Those photographs are award winners for sure. So beautiful!!

marine's words said...

Thanks for stoping by that was my husband and I kissing our son his 1st Christmas.
and your pictures look like a winter wonderland.They are gorgeous!!marina

Mari said...

Those pictures are beautiful - they would win awards. I especially like the one with the lights!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

What beautiful photography!

Thanks for touring my home, I hope you will return soon!

Your baby pictures are just darling!
