Monday, November 26, 2012


1. We read books at bedtime for about 30-45 minutes.  And then Coop has some lights on time by himself to read.  And then we turn the lights off (which in theory means it's time to go to sleep).
I busted him one night huddled by his nightlight still trying to read:

2.  One afternoon, I went outside to find Cooper and heard him crying.  When I asked him what was wrong, he said he didn't know.  And then I asked how long he'd been outside crying.  "Since I killed that big grasshopper."  Ah... I see....
We spent another 30 minutes or so just hanging out on the porch swing not talking while he pondered whatever his five-year-old mind was thinking....

3.  One Friday, Coop's school was closed so Alan took him to the office.  I guess the day went ok.  Coop played with some legos and spent an hour or so talking to the dean.  And apparently (I stayed out of most of the details of the day), Alan just left Coop in his office while he taught class.  Alan came back to this note:
"Ie left the ofes   al bee bac soon."  = I left the office.  I'll be back soon.

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