Monday, November 19, 2012

In which I confess my baking (decorating) failure

Coop's class had a Halloween party, and he wanted to sign up to bring snacks.  Fine.  I can round up 26 baggies of candy corn.  But no.  That simply would not do.  Coop saw these in a magazine and had to have them:
He was a big help making the cupcakes.
(That's a lie.  He only wants to lick the batter.)

I tinkered with the decoration instructions a bit, trying to make things easier on myself and on the teacher who would have to deal with 26 preschool/kindergartners trying to eat these things.

Unfortunately, my test run came out like this:
Kind of looks like a muppet.  But definitely not a witch.

I showed Coop, apologized, and suggested we just do witch hat cupcakes:
He agreed, but only because it meant we could save (and eat!) all of the candy eyeballs I had purchased.


  1. Hahah, Emily I can sympathize. So many times my decorating reach has exceeded my grasp. Still, the witches' hats are cute, and no one has to know what the original plan was! Except for everyone reading your blog, of course. :D

  2. Good job trying. Baking is hard enough to have to attempt to sculpt/ assemble/ create "art". They turned out just fine and, more importantly, I'm sure they were delicious.
