Monday, April 20, 2009


We signed Cooper up for a toddler music class through Lawrence Parks and Rec.

This is Mr. Phil, the class leader:
At the beginning of the class, we sing a "hello" song, calling each kid by name. Cooper wasn't too thrilled that everyone was looking at him and singing his name.

And he wasn't quite yet comfortable enough to pick up the drum to play along.

But he couldn't stop talking about Mr. Phil and the guitar.
I found a child-sized guitar, minus one string and with four of the other five strings in really bad shape, at a garage sale for $2. Now we can pretend to be Mr. Phil at home!

(Mr. Phil doesn't yell when he sings. Apparently, Cooper prefers angtsy rage music. Let's hope that passes before he becomes a surly teenager.)


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Thank you for the music, Cooper!
    Aunt Jill

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    We signed Joe up for a similar class when he was a little younger than Cooper and he hated it. Actually hate is not the right word, more could have cared less about it.

    Very enthusiastic singing. Great job Coop.


  3. sounds like Concert Choir...

    This is great. I love that he plays the guitar backwards...almost like those harp things we used to play in grade school. I love it.
