Thursday, April 23, 2009


This is Cooper's bear. It was a gift Christmas 2007 (the bear is wearing a Christmas sweater and has 2007 stitched on its foot, so I can remember!). And it's Cooper's latest obsession.
The bear sleeps with Cooper, comes downstairs for breakfast, and even wears a diaper, that we change a couple of times a day.

And speaking of diapers, these photos were on the camera when I got back from a weekend away. Alan assures me it was all Cooper's doing.

Lastly, Alan heard Cooper talking to himself in the living room and went in to discover this:
"A party!" Cooper exclaimed.
Should I (a) feel bad that this constitutes a super-exciting party at our house, or (b) be elated that Cooper's idea of a party involves calmly sitting on the couch eating imaginary food?


  1. If the diapers were red he'd look kind of like Superman. Maybe that's what he had in mind? :D

  2. At least you won't have to worry when he's 16 about him throwing parties at your house when you leave him home alone!

  3. I'd totally party with Cooper. Intense rock performances, underwear on the outside of your clothes, and eating on the couch? He's an animal!
