Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mexico, part uno

We left St. Louis on January 1 and flew to Cancun, Mexico. We actually stayed about an hour south of the airport at a resort in Puerta Aventuras. This whole stretch of the Mexican coastline is just one big string of resorts after another; I think we were at resort #34 of 43, or something like that.

We opted for an all-inclusive Apple Vacation, so one payment included our flight, our transfer to the resort, our resort stay, and all the food and drink we could consume at the resort (our particular resort had five different restaurants we could enjoy for free). It was easy to coordinate, but I'm not sure we'd do it again for any vacation over about three days. A couple of reasons why. First, the theme of an all-inclusive vacation really is quantity over quality. So, for example, you could have all the Corona you could drink, but if you wanted a nice glass of wine, you would have to pay extra. (Neither was particularly an issue for me, but you get the point.) And second, we tend to be somewhat active on vacation and so we wanted to go do things other than just sit on the beach or in the jacuzzi (which we did plenty of, don't get me wrong). But any excursion outside the resort cost extra money. A day of snorkeling, a day touring Mayan ruins, a day scuba diving -- all cost another $85 a person.

Anyway, I'll stop complaining now. We really had a great time -- the weather was warm, the sand was soft and white, the chocolate was readily available. It was a nice relaxing way to start 2007.

The view from the balcony outside our room:

The day we went snorkeling, we stopped at a sinkhole, formed by water erosion under the rock, eventually causing the surface to collapse and create this mini-lake.

One of the best meals we had on our trip was our lunch stop during the snorkeling tour--chicken, tortillas, homemade salsa, beans and rice. I think the guys managed to polish off an entire chicken by themselves!

We also snorkeled around inside a cave that was part of an underground river. Cold water, though our Mexican guide kept saying that the water was merely "refreshing."

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