Monday, April 25, 2016

Belated Easter Party

Coop wanted to have his annual Easter party but, given scheduling issues, we couldn't host one until April 10, two weeks after the fact.  No matter.  Festivities were a hit!

First up, painting:

Next, pictionary:

And then the long-awaited easter egg hunt:

Lastly, we tried something new.  Egg Roulette.  I had a dozen eggs, 8 of which were hardboiled, 4 of which were raw.  I let any kid who was willing pick one and then smash it on his / her head to see how lucky they were.

This was the first go-round.  Only five were brave (hint: watch kids 1, 3, and 5):

We played again with the remaining seven eggs (only one of which was raw), and guess who was lucky again:

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