Monday, February 15, 2016


Coop and I made this tank to serve as his valentines collection box at school.  It was all his vision, but I think we did an admirable job painting camouflage!

With a birthday gift certificate to The Toy Store in Lawrence, Coop picked out these three new cars for his collection:

And here he is posing with a line-up of all of the cars that he owns that he has disassembled (with the screwdriver he's holding).  One is missing from the picture -- it didn't make it back together!

And in completely random news, a friend of mine posted this line of babies on Facebook.  (Coop is second from the right, with the pacifier.)  When I was pregnant, I took a water aerobics class with a bunch of ladies who were all due about the same time.  When our babies were all born, we got together for a "play date" and took this photo:
I would love to line them all up now!!

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