Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Henry comes to visit!

Since Cooper's friend Henry, who lives in Arkansas, couldn't come up for Cooper's birthday, he came up one recent weekend to hang out.  Coop and I met them at a Kansas City hotel and stayed the night (so we could swim in the pool!).
The boys watched a show together on the ipad:

At breakfast the next morning:

We stopped at Union Station, but the train exhibit was closed:

We went to the KC aquarium:

And to see the new Lego movie.  And to LEGOLAND.  The boys each picked out a Lego Star Wars toy to buy in the gift shop.

After all of that, the boys still wanted to hang out, so we brought Henry back to our house for a sleepover:

20 minutes later:
Just kidding.  It was more like two hours later, and only after I separated the boys in different rooms so they could fall asleep.

Somewhere around 5am:

The next morning, Coop started on his Lego project with Henry's assistance:

After Henry left, Coop spent another couple of hours at the kitchen table:


And Henry finished his Star Wars ship when he got back to his house in Arkansas:

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