Monday, July 01, 2013

Dad and some grandparents

In preparation for Alan's return from England, Coop made a "Welcome Home, Daddy" sign, complete with a drawing of a spider.  I taped it to the door, which Cooper thought was lame.  Instead, he insisted on rigging up a pulling system in the breezeway, whereby he would pull the string when Alan walked in and the sign would rise up to eye level.
It would've been a flawless plan, except that we failed to notice Alan's truck pulling up in the driveway.  So he got all the way inside, and then we made him go back out and walk in again for the full sign-raising effect.

Coop and I took a quick (literally -- like only four waking hours) trip down to Lyons, but we packed in quite a bit.  We saw Grandma's new chickens:

And Grandpa's new tractor:

It even comes with a jump seat, just for grandkids:

Coop made this shirt at school for Father's Day:

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