Monday, June 10, 2013

Tulsa: Zoo and Aquarium

Our friend Henry lives in Arkansas, about two hours from Tulsa.  So he joined us for our trip to the Tulsa Zoo:

Watching the sea lion show:

Coop and I also hit the Aquarium:

Touching a star fish:

The Aquarium had a great shark tank exhibit with a tunnel going through the shark water.  Coop insisted on this picture.  He's in the tunnel (to the left of the person in the white shirt), pretending to swim through the sharks:

Feeding a ray (a piece of shrimp on the end of a pole):

In a shark cage ("Take the picture while I'm looking around, like I'm looking for real sharks."):

Another optical illusion that Coop loved.  He's up inside a tunnel in the middle of a fish tank:

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