Monday, December 24, 2012

Dear Santa

Coop wrote a letter to Santa this year:

"Deer Santa Claus.  My dad is beeing bad and bosy.  I hav bin good.  I want a castle and the ice cream set Iv wanted and a grinch costume and a bat costume.  [heart] Cooper."

So about this ice cream set.... Coop and I visited his friend Henry, who's five, and Henry's sister Caroline, who just turned two.  Caroline has this small plastic ice cream set:

Coop played with it when we were there, and he insists that he wants one of his very own.  "Henry has one," he explained to Alan.  Um.... no... Henry doesn't.  Henry's sister, who's two, has one.  And just for the record, I refuse.... I mean, Santa refuses... to buy a 18-36-month-old toy for the almost six-year-old.  Anyway, we'll see what Santa comes up with...

Letter addressed and ready to mail!

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