Sunday, November 11, 2012

Maple Leaf 2012

We're getting pretty good at figuring out how to enjoy Maple Leaf and avoid the crowds.  First step: parade Saturday morning.
Cooper, Parker, and Zachary

As Coop was collecting candy from one of the parade entrants, he yelled back to Alan and Michael, who were doing this:
 "Hey fools!  You're missing all the candy!"

Second step: Return Saturday evening to ride rides:

And one more time on Sunday afternoon for donuts made in this fancy machine:

And more rides:

This was the first year Coop was interested in the carnival games.  I'm not a fan.  I wasn't prepared to pay $3 for the chance to win a goldfish that (a) we wouldn't likely win anyway and (b) would probably dead in a matter of days, if not hours.

Be we came upon this shark fishing game.  The sign says "1 shark = $3, 2 sharks = $5."  And then depending on how many sharks you get, you could choose a stuffed animal prize.
I was a little confused.  Is there a time limit?  "No."  Is there a limit on the number of times he can try to catch a shark?  "No."  Ok, so I pay you $5 and he gets to stand there until he catches two sharks.  And then he can trade in those two sharks for a stuffed animal from that pile?  "That's right, ma'am."  So in theory, I could just give you $5 for one of those stuffed animals?  "Um... yeah, I guess so."  If we don't want stuffed animals, can my kid just stand there and fish for sharks for as long as he wants?  "No, I'm sorry."  Fine.  Whatever.

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