Thursday, October 04, 2012


We signed Coop up for soccer through Baldwin City Rec this fall.  Or, as Coop tells it, "now I can play soccer ball, too!"
Practices are 7pm on Wednesday evenings, which isn't a great time to ask a 5-year-old to focus, so he's been a little silly (shocking, I know) at practices.  And he claims to not like soccer.  Though he did make the winning suggestion for the team name: The Green Carnivores. 
Check out the tall socks covering little shin guards!

I'm not sure if this is proper form, but it seemed to work.  Sort of.

Warming up before the game.

The Carnivores' first game went well.  No one keeps score officially (except my kid), but we won handily.  Even Coop lost count once it got to 8-to-1 in the first quarter.  Miraculously, Cooper scored the first goal for our team!

Running toward the goal (or rather, following the herd to the goal):

And the obligatory "good game" line:
I think he had fun, but the red team had better post-game snacks than we did, so the day might've been a wash for him.

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