Thursday, September 27, 2012

State Fair, etc.

Coop and I spent about 24 hours back in Lyons with Grandma Joan and Grandpa Cecil.  We were headed to the State Fair, and on the way, made a stop at the Inman cemetery to see my grandparents' graves. Coop had been asking where Grandma and Grandpa Farm were buried, so I thought I'd show him:

And then off to the State Fair.  Dad insisted that we all go on Ye Olde Mill:
It's essentially a boat "ride" through a haunted house.  Pitch dark, "scary" scenes of a doctor mannequin cutting up a bloody patient mannequin, a dragon thing that looked at you, etc.  But what made it bad (for Coop) was that people would jump out and scare you on the way around.  Coop was pretty scared during the ride, so I kept just saying "it's ok... it's all pretend... no one is going to hurt us."  About 10 minutes after the ride, he said something like "Mama, I'm still shivering from the Mill."  And then on the way home, he suggested we have Daddy ride it, but not us again, just so we could see his scared face. 

He did, however, like this guy, who was at the front entrance:

Coop as an astronaut:

Coop loved this ride, a bus that went up and down in a big circle.  He rode it twice, once with me and once by himself.

I suggested he and ride this one, where you lay on your stomach and fly around in a circle.
Bad call on my part.  I felt like crap when we were done.  Oof.

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