Friday, May 11, 2012


We signed Cooper up for t-ball this summer!  He's in a 3-4-year-old league (age as of Jan. 1, so he's probably the oldest kid out there), and it's pretty stinkin' cute.

We have practices on Wednesday evenings for 30 minutes, where Coach Jason has the kids hit, field, and play catch with each other:

Coop was over-the-moon excited about his "uniform" (blue Baldwin Rec t-shirt), which he's worn nearly every day it's clean.

Here he is playing short stop at the first game:

And he got a chance to play first base:

The base squeaks when you step on it, which is pretty cute.  And in this league, we play three innings.  (An inning is where every kid hits the ball and runs to first base.)

Coop at bat:

 Running to first:

The obligatory "good game, good game" line:
And a team meeting after the game: 

Too fun!


  1. Go Coop! That looks like so much fun! I love that the bases are squeaky. And he's right, that is a very fancy uniform. Zooey just asked us to get her a ball and glove, so we might have to check out this t-ball thing, too (once she gets the hang of catching, etc)!

  2. This is awesome. I love that the base that on purpose? Because, if it is, that is a very cool "keep the kid interested" contraption! We have Christopher in soccer this year and, quite frankly, it's a complete circus. I'll get some pics later on and post them. I love these the wave from first base, too.
