Thursday, February 09, 2012

Raintree Birthday

Last year, we were in England for Coop's birthday, so he missed out on celebrating at Raintree.  But this year, his birthday was last Monday, and Alan and I got to join the school festivities.

Coop and his classmates all sat in their circle and sang a couple of birthday songs.  (That's Miss Ann next to Cooper, doing sign language to the songs.)
And Coop's wearing the birthday crown he got to make that morning!

Then Cooper set out the yellow sun candle, surrounded by the months of the year.  Cooper held the globe and stood by February.  Then he walked around the sun five times.  Each trip around, Miss Ann talked about what Cooper was probably doing that year of his life (learning to sit up, learning to walk, getting ready for Raintree, going to England).

During the day, Cooper got to select two friends to help him make the Raintree birthday cake.  And then he served us all pieces of it during the ceremony.
It was sweet.  And I might have cried.  Just a little bit.

Once we left Raintree, we headed over to Walmart to pick out Coop's birthday present.  He spent all weekend building forts in the house with chairs and blankets.  He wanted to sleep with a fort over his bed, but I wouldn't let him stack chairs on top of the bed.

So we decided to pick up a tent that would fit in Coop's room:

He slept in it that night:

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