Monday, July 11, 2011

Other random activities

Riding in the new booster seat (instead of a five-point harness!) with Woody doll.

Ice cream beard:

With Cooper Bear, a gift from Aunt Jill.  It's a talking, interactive bear from Hallmark that's actually named Cooper!  He comes with books that you read to him, and he responds to certain words and phrases.
 Coop loves him.  For the last month or so, he's gone everywhere with Cooper.  He rides in the car (with his seatbelt, of course) to school, sleeps in Coop's bed, and sits at the table with us for meals.

Playing with the dollhouse at Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jerry's.

Singing into Grandma Margaret's cane -- the perfect height for a stand-up mic!

Care to guess what this creation is:
It's Cooper's version of Joplin, Missouri. 

Coop and I took a trip to Omaha with our friend Carrie and her son Gus.  We had fun playing in the hotel pool and we really, REALLY enjoyed the Omaha Zoo.  It's fabulous.  The only picture I took of the trip, though, was this one of the boys in the bathtub:

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