Friday, March 25, 2011

Twin Lakes

One Saturday, we made our way to Twin Lakes Theme Park in nearby Melton Mowbray with some of the other Harlaxton children.  According to its website, "Twinlakes Theme Park has endless adventures of family fun packed with variety, adventure and fun for every member of your family."  That's right, folks.  Adventure.  Fun.  Family.  What could be better?

And truly, it didn't disappoint.  Our kids were precisely the right ages to enjoy the park.  We had a park map before hand, so we knew we wanted to hit Buccaneer Island.  (Coop even wore his pirate costume!)  Turns out, it was a giant butler building with all sorts of pirate-themed things to do inside.  And tables for the grown-ups to sit and enjoy a Diet Coke!

First up, Cooper and Jack in Captain Hook's Clockwork Wheel:

Sitting in the front row of Lost Boys Stormy Sloop:

Taking a pirate break to play in the cars/houses area:

We also visited the Labyrinth Venture Zone, which was a gladiator-themed butler building with similar activities.

Outside, we found a few roller coasters (Alan and Cooper are in the third seat back):

A giant sand pit:

Some peacocks:

And a barn with farm animals, including sweet baby lambs:

We came home completely tuckered out.  What a perfect way to spend a Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, Coop in the pirate outfit coming out of a pink cottage is a pretty funny sight...he's like a pirate with a sensitive side, "Aye, matey, ye be walking the plank with ya...arrrrgggghhh....but if there be something ye need to be talking about, me all ears...arrrrrggggghhhh" (Sorry, I had to throw that last arrrrgggghhh in there because I just felt it needed to be there).

    When I was a kid in Salina (among the many cities I called home as I believe my mother was some sort of accusation she denies to this day) there used to be a park that had one of those digger contraptions in the sandbox/sandpit/sand-whatever-they-call-it. I would play on that thing for hours at a time...that just brought out some fond memories of my childhood seeing the Coopenator digging with the digger contraption. Very cool stuff.

    This all looks like it was very fun.
