Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Cooper at play

Doing puzzles in his room:

Miss Samantha, one of Alan's students, bought this Loch Ness Monster costume/hat for Cooper when she went to Scotland:

We borrowed a Clifford (the Big Red Dog) computer game at the library.  It's really the first time Coop has spent serious time working on the computer.  He figured out the touchpad and clicking buttons pretty well, and seems to enjoy the game:

When Jonathan was here, Coop talked him into going down the Cedar Stairs like alligators.

All of the cars and trucks are having a meeting:
(This was followed by a very serious morning of play during which Alan taught Cooper proper parliamentary procedure for meetings.)

On the scooter at Puddleducks:

A couple of students gave Coop this doctor's costume for his birthday.  He took his notebook, asked this girl how she was feeling, and said that she would feel better tomorrow.

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