Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Feast

This year, we had the pleasure of celebrating Thanksgiving at Cooper's school.  The Raintree Thanksgiving Feast is one of the biggest events of the school year.  The kids spend weeks making all of the Thanksgiving food, and then parents come for a special lunch.

The buffet table, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn bread, cranberry relish, cinnamon apples, rolls, butter (that the kids made by shaking cream!), and pumpkin cake.

Coop talked a lot about making the mashed potatoes, and using a big grinder to make cranberry relish, and making the frosting for the pumpkin cake.

Our table -- just the right size for Coop.  A bit small for us!

Coop and his best buddy Jackson.  I don't know how these two get anything done during the school day.  Whenever I see them together, they're giggling at each other and running in circles.

Since the Raintree Feast (and pretty much every day of Thanksgiving break), Coop has been making us a pretend feast at home.
Not quite as tasty.  But still appreciated.


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Looks like a terrific Thanksgiving feast!!!

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

