Monday, September 20, 2010

The State Fair, part 2

This was the year -- Coop is big enough and brave enough to try some rides at the fair!

We started easy, with the carousel.  So easy, in fact, that Coop decided he wanted to ride in the sleigh instead of on a horse.

This is me trying to talk him into sitting on a horse.

No dice.

Coop decided he wanted to drive some cars.

He loved every minute of it!  He hardly ever stopped turning the little steering wheel, except to wave or honk the horn.

Afterward, he told me that "I drove faster than the other kids.  I think I won."

Of course you did, sweetie.

He and Grandma Joan next went to ride the flying elephants.

Huge success!  Even the up-in-the-air parts!

Coop then decided he wanted to try the motorcyles.
This was all business.  No smiling.  No waving.  Just total concentration (and maybe a smidge of fear to keep him alert).

After that, he opted to drive more cars until Grandpa Cecil ran out of tickets.

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