Monday, September 06, 2010

The start of the semester

A back-to-school party with Wowzer!  Coop took his pirate sword to show him:

A new bag of clothes from some friends -- Coop went straight for the ball cap, the hot wheels socks, and the car slippers.
And then right after I took this picture, he had an accident and peed all over the socks and slippers.  At least the hat lasted longer than 10 minutes!

Coop's preschool took a two-day break before the fall semester officially started (on Sept. 1), so Coop got to go back to Miss Brenda's and play with his old friends.
This is Coop and Mr. William running circles around the living, which is how they likely spent the entire 16 hours they were together.

On weekends, Alan's trying to get some time in the shop, and Coop loves helping:

It's really quite sweet. 
(And since I'm usually not invited---or explicitly asked to leave---I can get some quiet time by myself in the air conditioning!)

1 comment:

  1. Those car slippers are the coolest thing ever! And is that a Woody outfit he's wearing in the next picture? Coop's definitely starting the new school year in high style.
