Monday, May 03, 2010

Growing and cutting

Coop helped me plant some little flower seeds (sunflowers and daisies), and we was excited to use his watering can.

We repotted a tomato plant that he got free from a nursery we visited with Grandma Joan:

And then this little guy is Mr. Green.  He's a small green planter shaped like a person.  We planted grass seed in it, and the grass then grew out like Mr. Green's hair.

Coop was scheduled to get his hair cut.  He decided Mr. Green also needed a hair cut and that we should ask Miss Martha to do it.
When she asked how short to cut Mr. Green's hair, Cooper said he wanted it to be as long as his thumb.  So they measured.

And then Miss Martha cut:

Coop and Mr. Green sporting their new hair cuts and Cooper's loot, including a sucker and a flashlight keychain.

No wonder he doesn't mind getting a hair cut from Miss Martha!

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