Monday, March 08, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Putting candles on the cake:

Every time I asked Cooper what he thought we should buy Daddy for a present, Cooper thought Daddy would probably like a train set.  Which makes sense because that's one of the things Cooper got for his birthday.  But when we actually got to Target, Coop quickly decided Daddy would like a lot of things, including a big dump truck, and a wooden puzzle, and an Elmo doll, and a Thomas train.

Daddy opening his present from Cooper:

We finally ended up with a small Woody doll from Toy Story.  It came with a small Buzz Lightyear doll, which Cooper decided could be his.  And Cooper picked out a purple princess cell phone for Daddy, along with a red Mickey cellphone for him so that he and Daddy could call each other.  I insisted we throw in some snacks, so we ended up with Diet Mt. Dew and beef jerky.  And fruit snacks for Cooper.

All day, Cooper kept asking me when my birthday was.  I thought he was just being kind and considerate, but I'm guessing he really just wanted to go shopping again!

The weather for Alan's birthday was fantastic -- 60s and sunny.  So we spent much of the afternoon outside:

And then Alan bought this:
Happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I personally like the Woody doll better...and, by the way, when a boy buys a "doll" its called an "action figure"! heh! Kidding....about the action figure thing, but not the "I'd rather have the Woody doll" part.
