Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mary Nugent

These are our friends Joey and Timmy (though they're probably getting old enough now that they would prefer just Joe and Tim):

They belong to the Nugent family:
(Teeny picture, I know.  But I hijacked these photos from John's Facebook page...)

Their mom Mary died Tuesday morning, after a three-year battle with breast cancer.  Official obituary here.

She was an amazing woman.  Truly.  Very optimistic and cheerful through the whole ordeal.  Sure there were times when she was pretty discouraged and angry, but on balance she was just incredible.  She was about the most serene, secure, and wry woman we know.  A great mama, a great wife to Alan's best friend, and just a great person to have in our lives, even if from across several states.

We will very much miss her.  And we grieve deeply for John and the boys.  But we are ever-so-thankful Mary is at peace now.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    This is beautiful. Mary was very fond of the two of you and Cooper. Tim and Joe love to read about Coop's adventures.


  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Emily, I am so sorry for your loss. I know she was a friend. Thanks for this post. It was nice to see her obituary.
    Love, Jill
