Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving trip to Lyons

Kelly, Sly, and Zoey were in Lyons for Thanksgiving, so we drove down to see them for a day or so.

Grandma Joan had a fun list of things to do.

First up, play-dough barber shop. It was actually "Fun Dough" from Dollar General, which was a little sticky. But Cooper liked using scissors to cut hair.

Then, a jack-in-the-box. About a half-second after we took this picture (right when jack popped up), Cooper broke into a huge grin. It was sweet.

Next up: sugar cookies decorated to look like turkeys. This was the one and only candy corn Cooper actually put on a cookie. The rest he shoveled into his mouth faster than he's ever eaten anything in his life.

Finally, a real life train caboose! A local Lyons realtor owns this little red caboose; it's actually on the corner where we turn to get to Grandma Joan's house, so we see it a lot! And he let us climb on it and walk inside. Very cool.

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