Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shots, books, and cats.

Showing off his flu shot bandaid:

More importantly, showing off the candy he got after he got his flu shot:

Driving back home from Lyons ("Look, Mama! I'm under a big stack of books!")

About 20 minutes later:

Addie's favorite way to taunt Sydney is to go sit on top of the chair Sydney is under.

Sydney does let Addie come around if she's distracted with food though:

1 comment:

  1. How did Coop do with the shot? Zooey was distracted by all the commotion while she was getting hers (we went to the clinic at the fairgrounds), so she did pretty well. Not sure I'll be so lucky next time.

    I love the picture of Coop with his big ole pile of books! Looks like a pretty smart travel system. He can just start at the top and then peel them off one by one as the trip goes on!
