Monday, August 03, 2009

His farming heritage

Getting ready to plow a field:

Checking in on the cow (at a nearby petting zoo/farm):

"Milking" a plastic cow. I'm still not sure he understands, but his Grandpa Farm would have been proud:

Finding the one and only kitty in the cow barn:

I made him take a picture by the Brown Swiss informational sign because that's what Grandma and Grandpa Farm raised. Again, he didn't get it, but it made me a little teary-eyed.

Howdy Pardner. Want a tootsie pop?
(In all honesty, though, I don't know of anyone in our immediate family tree who ever wore a cowboy hat. Maybe Cooper will start that fashion choice...)

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures! I love the one of Cooper "milking" the plastic cow. Also, the last photo looks like he's preparing to interview someone with his lollypop: "Where were you when the plastic cow was stolen? Did you happen to see any plastic cattle rustlers in the vicinity?"
