Sunday, October 26, 2008

Behold. We have discovered the wonder that is ketchup.

We picked up this swing for $3 at a garage sale, and hooked it onto our current swingset, which has a set of rings (so he can work on his Iron Cross in preparation for the Olympics). Coop likes swinging and holding on to the rings.

Coop has his own set of keys (blanks from Walmart with a bunch of random keyrings). He helps by unlocking the doors.

And driving Daddy's truck.

Baby's First Fat Lip. (Which, like the skinned knee in the last post, would be a way bigger deal if we didn't just check out of the hospital a week ago.)
Coopie was running in circles around the kitchen and tripped so his little face hit the floor. Poor kiddo.


  1. Oh! We LURVE the ketchup around here. Or any dipping sauce, really. But ketchup does have the magical property of turning "I will not eat these Mama" into "I need more of those, Mama, because I still have some ketchup left."

    Sorry about the fat lip, we've been down that road, and it is pitiful.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Our boys mix ketchp with Mac/cheese.....hhmmmmm.

