Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A new addition...

Since September, Alan and I have been in the process of becoming licensed foster parents. ("If we already have one," I remember saying, "it can't be much more difficult to add a second one." I may end up eating those words!) We've been through training classes, we've obtained first aid and CPR certification, we've childproofed our home to meet the State's standards, which surprisingly (or not?) are stricter than my own in some areas (and perhaps a bit more arbitrary in others). As of this week, all of the paperwork was turned in and the inspections completed, and we've just been waiting to get our official license.

We got a call Monday evening asking if we'd be willing to take a two-day-old baby, just released from the hospital. Panicked and terrified, we said yes. Will we ever be "ready"? Probably not, so it's now or never, I guess. So our social worker called the State (KDHE is the governing organization) to ask if they could please hurry on our license. Apparently tiny baby who need a place to be loved can cut through government red tape quite quickly.

So without further ado, please let me introduce the newest member of our household, Sweet Baby J:

He's so soft and sweet and teeny-tiny! He was born Saturday (the 9th) so he's only three days old!


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Not sure if "congratulations" are in order. Baby J is one lucky baby. Good work.


  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Oh, he's adorable! It's so wonderful that you are sharing your love with him (and he with you)!
    Aunt Jill

  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Oh, my goodness! Blessings on your growing family! Baby J is sooo tiny! Bet Cooper is wide-eyed!

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Congratulations to Cooper on his little brother!


  5. Congratulations! That is so wonderful.
