Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Labor Day Edition

Mikey snoozing in the carseat.

This clever gizmo has a mesh pouch on the end, so we put in a piece of watermelon (or banana or whatever) and let Coop suck on it. Nifty!

Maybe you can't tell, but Coop was less than thrilled about the jogging stroller on the country roads. He doesn't seem to enjoy his front-row seat to the traffic. Yet.

At long last, Coop's friend Parker arrived this weekend (fittingly enough, on Labor Day). Here's Kristen holding the two boys. I think they're going to be trouble in the future...
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  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Welcome to the world, Parker! Very cute boys!
    Cooper's Aunt Jill

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Al needs to retro-fit that jogger/stroller with some rear wheel shocks and a 9-quart oil pan.


  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "My dad's shorts are too short. That makes me sad."

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    When your dad has legs that fabulous, he can wear shorts that short. =)

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    "It's reasoning like that that's going to get me beaten up in school. As will using the correct future perfect tense so young in life."
