Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's never boring.

I've been amazed lately at how often something new happens around here. Truly, there's never a dull moment in the life of a 4-month-old.

Cooper is working on sitting up and he's getting steadier every day.

At our last doctor's appointment, the pediatrician said we could go ahead and start feeding Coop rice cereal, more for practice than actual nutritional value, at least for a while. It's going better than I expected, though I won't go so far as to say Cooper loves it.

Our friends Jay and Amy came down from Chicago to visit this last weekend. Their daughter Ellie is 10 months old -- what a different six months makes! Cooper looks a bit distressed, but only because Ellie wanted to love on him. Lots. And he was having enough trouble just trying not to slump over.

Coop and Ellie went swimming in our yard. Or, more accurately, Ellie sat in the water and spun in circles, while Cooper dipped his toes in. He was wearing a Speedo suit though, just in case he wanted to dive in.

We decided to have Coop baptized at our church here, rather than waiting until we find a new church family back in Kansas. I was worried he would puke or poop or, at the very least, cry. But apparently he sensed it was a holy moment -- he didn't make a sound.

And just yesterday, we put together Cooper's "exersaucer," so he can spend a bit more time upright during the day.

It's actually so eventful around here that we're contemplating buying a camcorder, as if Cooper's life wasn't being adequately documented already!


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Ahh, the ol' exersaucer. Can't beat that for entertainment. Looks like Coop's got a new girlfriend.


  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Hi, Emily. Sorry I missed your visit to the court house. I am so happy for you! Cooper will bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. They grow up so fast...so enjoy every minute. My girls are 6 years old and 3 years old already. It has flown by. The girls in the clerk's office said you are moving. I hope all that goes smoothly for you and I am sure you will be glad to be around family. Congratulations!!
