Saturday, April 07, 2007

Babe: Kid in the City

This week, Emily and I both had things to do in Chicago. Emily had a legal writing seminar, and I joined the annual Econ majors' trip to visit Chicago financial institutions. Since we were both going to be there, we went together, and took the kiddo along for good measure!

Cooper racked up a whole bunch of 'firsts' on this trip:

First train ride. Slept dang near the whole way. Received many favorable comments from passersby on how well-behaved he was. "Good parenting," he replied.

First cab ride. Chicago cab drivers can be wild, but they're not nearly as fun as his under-the-sea swing at home. All in a day's work for this little dude. Mommy and pops were scared, though!

Scared of heights? Not this little guy! First time above the third floor--our room was on the eighteenth!

First trip to Ed Debevics with the Nugents (Mary, Joey, Timmy, and John, respectively). Ed Debevics is a 50's style diner where part of the waiters' schtick is to be rude to the customers. Cooper got yelled at, once, and calmly gave it right back by filling a diaper to overflowing. That's tellin' him, little buddy!

First Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza at Giordano's! True, he gets it secondhand. Next year at this time he might actually get it the first go-around!

The waitress at Giordano's (and most other waitresses most other places) said Cooper was very cute. "Good parentage," he replied. Smart kid, that Cooper.


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Awwwwww.... what a handsome little Windy City traveler. And John's family is adorable, too! Congrats to all! I'm glad you got to hook up and enjoy some pizza.

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Wow, our first blog! I'm honored. Cooper couldn't have been better behaved. Those two bourbon's you fed him really worked.

