Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Week 3

Just some random pictures before I head off to the kitchen to bake an apple pie for a cake/pie contest at the law school.

Does he look like he's growing compared to the alligator?

We google Cooper Grant and came up with Cooper Grant Commons, a housing development area "priced from the $180's" in New Jersey. Snazzy poster, huh?

Last week, we had a huge snow storm. The University of Illinois actually canceled classes, something I'm told they haven't done for 30 years. And they did it both Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Alan waited until the snow was just right (or until he was so stir-crazy, he had to get out of the house), and then built an igloo in our driveway.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Yes, Cooper definitely looks like he is growing already! Love the alligator! Good luck on the pie contest, and tell Alan he did pretty well on the igloo in spite of the fact that he is not an eskimo.
    - Jill
