Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sylvester and Kelly Brandon

(Yes, that's Sly's ring Kelly's dropping!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Fun times this week

Mr. Green Jeans Overalls

Socks on hands -- much funner than socks on feet:

Waiting for Mommy to finish getting ready:

It's amazing how quickly he can pull all 80 kleenexes out of the box:

Last weekend, we went to a fabulous parade in Lawrence. I believe the only rule for parade entries was that they had to be on wheels. (My friend Karen has great pictures of several of the entries, if you're interested.)

Sorting through his parade loot:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Water water everywhere

Combing his hair:

Playing in a fountain in Lawrence:

As you'll notice from the video below, we bought a camcorder. A fancy one with sound and everything! Also, just to explain what's off-camera, Kristen is sitting to Cooper's right making raspberries at him, and Parker is over there with a toy that plays music (Yankee Doodle and Hickory Dickory Dock, I believe).

Did you catch this face from the video?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

At play

Watching the cows, although Cooper's "moo" has turned into "mee" lately.

Coop's been trying to learn how to pour or dump things out of a container. So far, he's managed an over-the-shoulder pitch. It works, but can get a little dicey with golf balls raining down on his head.

I've learned to pick my "No mouth" battles. Dimes, small rocks, sharp things: No mouth! Dirt, carpet fuzz, cat hair, kleenex: Meh. It's yucky, but eat it if you want.

This made me cry:
Let me explain. First, ignore the empty Diet Coke bottle. It's one of Cooper's fancy toys. Second, the aluminum can lid isn't sharp. We used one of those magic can openers that doesn't leave any sharp edges.
Anyway, there's a sticker of a dump truck on the back of the can lid. The other day, he picked that one up (out of the 25 different pictures) and rolled it across the floor making a car engine sound. Where do they learn these things?! Seriously, most of the time I am just in awe of Cooper.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day at the Nelson

We spent Sunday afternoon at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. It has a very nice grassy sculpture park area where we crawled around and ate grass and played with sticks.

And we strolled around inside admiring the contemporary art:

In case you're wondering what Cooper's shirt says, it's in honor of Patrick Swayze's famous Dirty Dancing line:
I love it!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Picnic with Parker

Here, have a Cheerio.

No really. I insist.

Would you like some milk too?

Oh no thank you. I couldn't possibly.

One more Cheerio for you:

If we can get this open, I think there are more Cheerios in here.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, right before your very eyes...

Monday, 10:13 am:

Monday, 10:31 am:

Tuesday, 10:25 am:

Tuesday, 3:37 pm:

Think of all the great opportunities now open to Cooper. He can honor the playing of the national anthem. He can listen to Handel's Messiah and the Hallelujah Chorus. He can watch a bride come down the aisle (good thing too because it's Aunt Kelly's turn soon!). He can have a Mexican stand-off. He can stand and deliver. He can stand in the place where he lives.

How about a standing ovation for my baby boy!