Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A conversation about Daddy

"Where's Daddy?"

"Africa? Where's that??"

"Oh man, that's really far away! I miss Daddy!"

"Even exersaucing isn't fun without Daddy."

"Hurry home -- she's dressing me in seersucker."

"And Uncle David is making me nap with a Barbie."

"Mama, do you have an old, funny-looking picture of Daddy to post so he sees it when he checks the website from the Johannesburg airport today on his way home?"
Why yes, Coop. I sure do.

P.S. Happy Anniversary, Honey!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

More family!

This week, we drove down to Iola, which is way closer to Baldwin than I ever thought, to see Alan's grandmother Margaret and introduce Cooper to her.

Whew... lots of color in that picture! :)

And last weekend, we drove to Lyons to see some of my relatives, including...

Aunt Kathy

My cousin's daughter Morgan. She's 2 1/2, and going to be a big sister in six months. So snuggling next to Cooper was good practice for her.

And Cooper got to meet the Neufeld side of the family too.
Grandma Marlene

And Ellen and Kent

We also got to meet my sister Kelly's golden retriever Duke. Duke's very friendly and licky, and coincidentally, he's the same age as Cooper.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Cooper's first tooth!

A close-up, if you don't believe me:

This past weekend, Cooper met a bunch of my relatives. I've got pictures coming soon. Until then, enjoy these random shots from this last week.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A whole new world

We're getting settled into our new digs in Kansas. Still tons of boxes to unpack, but with major furniture in place and a fresh coat of paint on the walls, it's starting to feel like home.

Cooper never seems to slow down. Here are the newest things he's doing just this week:

1. Chewing on my hand. I'm expecting teeth soon, but who knows...

2. Finding and holding on to his feet (or at least his right foot).

3. Growing more -- this is the 22-week alligator picture in Cooper's new room. And yes, the carpet is pink. We can only afford so many remodeling projects at one time. But we're taking up a collection to de-girl Coop's room.

4. Sucking in his bottom lip. This is actually new today, and already I've taken a couple of pictures of this face.

5. Petting Mikey, who apparently is so starved for attention that he'll endure some grabbing and pulling.

6. Eating in his high chair. This was his first taste of squash. Yum!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

We're packing up...

We've been to Kansas to close on the new house. We're back in Illinois for a few days packing up and finishing some last-minute projects. The movers arrive Thursday to pack the rest of our stuff, and they'll load the truck on Friday. And then we're outta here.

Hard telling when we'll have the computer out and our internet up and running, so I thought I should post a few pictures now. Enjoy....

I'm not sure why Alan and Cooper are always smiling, and Coop and I apparently spend our time passed out on the couch.

P.S. Anyone want to buy a house in Tuscola?